On this page, we are glad to include detailed directions to our location. Please
stop by to visit us for a service or other event.
If you are coming through Agege, Lagos State, ask for the route to Iju-Ajuwon on your way
to Akute. On getting to Ajuwon Bus Stop, ask for Ajuwon High School. Immetiately upon getting to Ajuwon High School, ask anybody
you see to direct you to Adeniyi Badejo Close, right behing Ajuwon High School, and there you meet us to dress up the Name
of the LORD together in Spirit and in Truth, Amen.
If on the other hand you are coming via Ojodu-Berger, ask for the route to Akute. On getting
to Alagbole, ask for the route to Ajuwon. On getting to Ajuwon Bus Stop, continue your trip as stated above and you will meet
us to glorify Jesus together, Amen.
The above directions are for those who are based in Nigeria and especially Lagos.
For those who are outside Nigeria, just write or send your email to drstephen@associatedchristgospelng.org and we shall get in touch with you immediately, Amen.
We love you in His Name, Amen.