God is the Supreme, Sovereign Ruler in His Monarchal
Kingdom. God Himself is the Lawgiver in His Kingdom, which He governs, rules, and regulates with His Own Omnipotent Hand.
God governs His Kingdom by exercising His Divine Authority, implementing His Judgment according to His Master Plan and the
Laws of it, both of which He Himself has established. By His Almighty Power, God rules according to His Purposive Will, regulating
and directing the course of His subjects.
As the Supreme Sovereign Ruler of His Creation,
God governs in the same way as the captain of a ship who sits quietly at the ship’s stern, rarely seen by the creatures
whom he governs, as he guides them through the trackless sea.
Men govern small parts of God’s Universe
according to multitudinous, temporal laws, which mortal, imperfect, human beings write and execute. However, the Almighty
God, the Creator of all spiritual and natural substance, rules over His whole Creation by only Ten Eternal, Divine Commandments,
which He has written and which He executes.
After we have been born again, spiritually,
by accepting the LORD Jesus Christ as our personal Saviour, we begin to have a desire for God to take the throne of our heart
so that He might lead and guide us into His Perfect Will by His Light and Truth.
The greatest peace and liberty that man is able
to experience IS
when he puts his complete trust in Gods Knowledgeable, Wise, and Good Government over
both man’s individual life and over the collective life of His whole Creation.
God has sent the LORD Jesus Christ to come into our heart,
not only to save us but also to teach us His Divine
Government over our individual lives. If believers will yield to Christ’s inner Government, they will experience continual
spiritual peace and prosperity. Christ’s perfect, humble inner Government of our individual lives permits no affronts
either to God or to man.
Christ’s inner and outer Government is
not mere Counsel and Advice; it is Supreme, Sovereign Authority and Power to execute and enforce His Laws in our life. The
LORD Jesus Christ is able to perform and carry out the Laws of His Heavenly Father.
One thing every sincere Christian asks himself,
sooner or later, is “How can I he sure that I am submitting my life to God’s Wise Government? How can I know that
I am being obedient to God’s Master Plan for my life and walking in His Will?”
What is man asking when he asks for God’s
Will? He is saying, “LORD, I want You to be first in my life. I want You to govern each step I take. Lead
me, LORD, by Your Spirit of Light and Truth. I do not want to walk in any form of darkness.” The amazing thing is that
we, as believers, definitely, can know God’s Will for our life.
Hebrews 8:6 says that Jesus Christ is the Mediator
of a Better Covenant, established on Better Promises. Since the Old Testament saints had a visible confirmation of God’s
Leading, we would have a less, not better. Covenant than they if we did not also have a sure way of knowing God’s Purposive
Will for our life.
In Old Testament days, only the High Priest,
who wore the Breastplate, entered the Holy Place where he stood by the Golden Altar, facing toward the Ark of the Covenant, to receive God’s Will for the people.
When God spoke from the Mercy Seat, the High Priest received a Witness from the Urim (Light) and Thummim (Perfection
of Truth), confirming God’s Purposive Will for the people. But, in the Book of Hebrews. the Apostle Paul revealed our
Better Covenant in Christ Jesus when he penned the following verses:
Having therefore. brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest
by the blood of Jesus, By a new and living way, which he hath consecrated for us, through the veil, that is to say, his flesh;
(Hebrews 10:19,20).
Whereof the Holy Ghost also is a witness to us: for after that he had said
before, This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, saith the Lord, I will put my laws into their hearts,
and in their minds will I write them; (Hebrews 10:15,16).
Thus, it is when we allow God to lead us by
the Witness of His Spirit of Light and Truth that we crown Jesus King of our life.
Walking in God’s Purposive Will is allowing
God’s Authority to be the Supreme Ruling Power over us. When we accept His Purposive Will for our life, we accept His
Government over our spirit, soul, and body.
When defining governments, man has said: “Government
provides justice for everybody, defends its people from attack, and promotes the people’s welfare.”
Aristotle said that when government is directed
toward the improvement of all its citizens, it is pure government. The true purpose of a state, he said, is the perfection
of its citizens.
This is the kind of Government God provides
for those who submit to live under His Headship. One of His Purposes in sending the Holy Ghost is to lead us and to govern
us, taking us down paths that will perfect our human nature so that our nature will become like the LORD’s Holy
Nature. God has our welfare, our defense, our justice, our perfection in mind in every situation and circumstance which He
allows to come our way. God’s Government is a pure Government of Light and Truth.
Some governments benefit only the intelligent
(an aristocracy) or only the wealthy (an oligarchy). Some are ruled by one man (a monarchy). A monarchy can be a pure
government, but if it is corrupt, it becomes
a tyranny.
We live
in a country under democratic rule which gives us freedom of speech, religion, the press, and universal suffrage, but if we
are serving Lucifer, we are living in tyranny spiritually.
We are
born in the natural realm into a worldly kingdom which is under Lucifer’s rule, but we, individually, can choose God
as our Governmental Head, having our personal life controlled by His Judgments. Consequently, our decision not to be
a part of Lucifer’s kingdom will engage us in a spiritual warfare as we struggle against his power over our soul; but
we are assured of the victory over Lucifer’s tyrannical rule because Christ overcame him at Calvary’s Cross.
We defeat him, day by day, as we choose Jesus Christ to be the Sovereign King over us.
If we
feel serving God is too hard, we need to stop and consider this question: Have we truly taken notice of world governments
which are controlled by Lucifer’s tyrannical power?
A tyrant
takes the right upon himself to rule over others. His power is not granted to him by the people; instead, he usurps authority
over their lives. All tyranny is basically the same, be it a dictatorship, despotism, fascism, nazism, or communism. They
all disregard the rights of citizens, showing little respect for human life. Throughout history, dictators have trampled on
the liberties of the people, resorted to violence and murder, and used treachery to gain authority. Though we have no world
governments existing today which are guided totally by God’s Headship. Israel’s history gives
us clear examples of living under both types of governments.
In the
Old Testament, Israel flourished as a nation when she walked under God’s Headship. Invariably she suffered when she
defected from God’s Rule and Reign over her and served idols. Tyranny oppresses fallen Lucifer’s rule oppresses.
Denying God’s Headship stripped Israel of His protecting Power over her. It was God’s Power which unified and
gave Israel her invincibility. Without it, Israel became weak. Weak means lacking in strength:
not able to resist external force or withstand attack; mentally or intellectually deficient; wavering, indicating lack of
judgment; not able to withstand temptation or persuasion; lacking normal intensity or potency; not having or exerting
authority or political power.
How very
true it is that we become weak (have no strength against temptation, no judgment, waver in our beliefs, lack normal power)
when we walk out from under God’s Headship. We need God as King in our life to give us the strength of His Judgments
so that we might have the necessary power to resist devils, power to keep our mind and heart steadfastly on the Prize, and
strength to do God’s Will and not fallen Lucifer’s.
How much
we lose when we deny God’s Headship. Yet, God loses nothing. He is as True, as Strong, as Faithful, as Just as He was
before we denied Him His rightful place as King in our life. Any evil (misery, woe, and affliction) that befalls us under
God’s Headship is His Mercy. For God is Righteous, allowing only that which is for our own good to happen. Job said
that he knew he would come forth as gold after his testing. God’s Nature is not tyrannical (tyranny does not stem from
perfection), but it is fallen Lucifer who is the father of tyranny.
As individuals
and as Churches, we can choose God’s Rulership, regardless of what earthly kingdom we are a citizen. Our body can he
chained and imprisoned, but our spirit and soul can serve the LORD. We can rebel against God’s Rule and Reign over our
life, or we can accept the LORD’s Government; the decision is up to us.
establishing that God, the “Father of Lights,” and His only Begotten Son, the “Day Light” are the
Supreme Ruling Forces over the Creation, another purpose of this hook is to explain the meaning of living under the Rule of
God’s Sovereign Governmental Headship. After becoming acquainted with the way God’s Will can be made known to
us, we should be able to choose God’s Headship over us.
We also
see, in our study, God’s Revelation to man of His Government of Light in the Old Testament and in the New Testament.
God’s Government for present man was instituted
in the Garden of Eden. Then, Abraham received a Promise from God of a mighty nation which would serve God and be ruled by Him. Later, Moses received God’s Laws for the Nation
of Israel, which God had promised to Abraham. Under Moses came the time of the High Priests who used the two mysterious
stones, the Urim and Thummim, to confirm God’s Mind and Will for them and for the people. The way these
stones functioned, in the High Priest’s Breastplate, in confirming God’s Mind or bearing Witness to God’s
Word, was a shadow, a type, of the Holy Ghost Witness and the Word Witness in the New Testament. The Spirit Witness and the
Word Witness work as a ministry in leading and guiding the New Testament Church, today.
God rules
over His Creation by both spiritual and natural Laws. Spiritual Law is a term in the Scriptures that means direction
and refers to the Revealed Will of God in relation to human conduct.
Spiritual Laws include all His Divine Testimonies, Precepts, Statutes, Commandments. Judgments, and Covenants for regulating
man’s moral behaviour within himself and without himself or his outward actions.
The Scriptures
reveal God’s Divine Law or Knowledge of His Purposive Will as a must for human behaviour. God’s Laws for
moral behaviour are one of the special revelations in Scriptures, the other special revelation being that of the LORD Jesus
Christ, God’s Son, Who is able to redeem man and to empower him to fulfill the Moral Righteousness of God’s Laws.
God’s Laws are perfect, expressing His Divine Authority, Holiness, Wisdom, Understanding, Knowledge, Goodness, and Love.
Laws are adapted to the necessities and welfare of mankind. They are conformed to God’s Supreme, Sovereign Government
of the world.
If we
do not allow the LORD Jesus Christ to govern us from within, within our spirit and soul, first, we will be unfit to
govern others who are without, those who are given to our direction and are as we function as good shepherds over them.
Government teaches us to allow Him to crucify and mortify the harmful injuries that we give to God’s Spirit, Word, rid
Works and to each other. Hence, Christ Jesus solves this problem by filling us with the depths, heights, length, and breadth
of His Wisdom, Understanding, and Knowledge so that a can experience His Governmental Control of us and our life we study
what we must do in order to grow unto the Measure His Spiritual Stature.
inner and outer Government over all God’s Creation generated out of the Heavenly Father’s Love for all His creation.
All other governing by the creature is generated out of proud tyranny.
God always
has borne Witness to His Government of Love over His Creation by a Threefold Witness of Light — by the Witness of His Holy
Spirit, by the Witness of His Divine Word, and by the Witness of His Almighty Works, which Truth was recorded by the Apostle
John. The historical Truth about God’s Threefold Witness, as found in the Old Testament and the New Testament, forms
the central core of this book
This is he that came by water and blood, even Jesus Christ; not by water only, but by water and blood. And it is the
Spirit that beareth witness, because the Spirit is truth. For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the
Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one. And there are three that bear witness in earth, the Spirit, and the water,
and the blood: and these three agree in one. If we receive the witness of men, the witness of God is greater: for this is
the witness of God which he hath testified of his Son (I John 5:6-9).
God has three Light Witnesses in Heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost. He has three Light Witnesses on
Earth: the Spirit, the Water, and the Blood.
God provided three Witnesses both in Heaven
and in Earth to testify to, to attest to, and to give evidence of His True Government, which implements His Master Plan and
executes His Purposive Will in and over His Creation.
Another reason for Gods giving three Witnesses
in Heaven and in Earth is that these Witnesses serve as evidences and Tokens of His Master Plan and Purposive Will,
and they substantiate and prove His Righteous, True Government. The lessons about God’s Token Witnesses also are
included in this study.
The Father is the Eternal, Heavenly Light Witness
because He is the Source of all Light. The Father’s Unbegotten, Divine, Immutable Light in Heaven is our Eternal Witness
of the Grace ad Glory hidden in His Master Plan. The Father’s Light always gives revelation and understanding of what
is in His Master Plan hat He has hidden in Jesus
The Word, the Perfection of Truth, bears Witness
in Heaven to God’s Purposive Will that He has hidden in Jesus Christ.
The Holy Ghost in Heaven bears Witness to God’s
Almighty Power that He has put in Jesus Christ to perform all His Good Works.
The Spirit, the first Witness on Earth, also
is a Light Witness to bear Witness of Jesus Christ and His Government by enlightening man’s understanding and by
revealing the Father’s Master Han and Purposive Will that are hidden in Christ Jesus.
The Water of the Word is the second Witness
on Earth to the perfection of Truth of God’s Purposive Will that He has hidden in Christ Jesus, which washes away the
evil thoughts in our own will that are against God’s Will.
The Blood of Jesus Christ is the third Witness
on Earth to God’s Almighty, Powerful, Miraculous Works against Lucifer and his powers of darkness. This last Witness
is the Thigh Witness, which is explained in Part Six of this book.
These three Witnesses — the Spirit or Light Witness;
the Waters of the Word; and the Blood or the Witness of Works —
confirm God’s Sovereign Governmental Light, Life,
and Power over all His Creation.
May the desire to walk according to God’s
Government of Light all your heart after you have
read the following lessons that have been revealed by the Spirit of the LORD as a result of the many years the Author
has spent faithfully praying and studying God’s Word, in order to find Christ’s Wisdom, Understanding, and Knowledge.
To have a copy of this powerful book, please, visit http://www.christgospel.org and ye shall be richly blessed as you grow in God’s Light of Truth, Amen.